There are clearly multiple uncertainties regarding Brexit, but I thought it would help you as a pet owner to consider two issues that might be affected quite quickly.
No-one knows what will happen to the medication supply chain. The drug companies maintain that they have warehouses full of medication in the UK, in readiment for Brexit. But honestly, no-one knows whether there will be issues getting hold of some drugs.
If your pet is on long standing, daily medication we advise you to ensure you have at least one month’s worth of medication at home by 31st October.
This way, if there are some issues then there will be at least a month for them to be addressed by the drug companies. Some clients are already suggesting they want to have more medication at home, it’s up to you. In general we don’t advise you to have more than a month’s supply at once in case it gets damaged or goes out of date, which ultimately wastes you money.
Pet Travel
We only know one thing is this area. If there is a no deal brexit then the UK will be (at least temporarily) on the ‘old’ rules whereby any dogs going to the continent will need a rabies blood test to prove that their rabies vaccine is working in that animal. Under these rules a dog is not allowed to travel at all for three months after the date of the blood test.
If you have any holidays planned for Christmas with your pets on the continent then Brexit may well affect your plans. No-one is going to know exactly until 1st November at the earliest.
If any of you have any specific questions about your pets then do get in touch and we can discuss. Hopefully that was helpful.
Best wishes,
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